Shockwave Therapy in Maui, HI

Shockwave creates unique and modifiable pressure waves which stimulate cellular metabolism, stimulates the release growth factors, breaks up scar tissue and fascial adhesions, and enhances blood circulation, all of which allows damaged tissue to regenerate and heal.

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive procedure which requires no down time and offers fast results.

Shockwave is an effective treatment for both acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain and injuries and can be used as stand alone treatment or may be combined with regenerative injections such as PRP therapy.

– Rotator Cuff Injuries
– Tennis and Golfers Elbow
– Plantar Fasciitis
– Achilles Tendonitis
– Chronic Neck & Low back Pain
– Tight Hip Flexors

Sessions take approximately 10-20 minutes depending on the area being treated and 3 to 6 sessions are usually recommended.